Golf Cart Ordinance Update

The Village Board has decided to not take any further action to enact an ordinance allowing the use of golf carts on village roadways.  Current state laws prohibit the use of such vehicles to be driven on any roadway unless an ordinance is passed by the local governing body allowing them.  However, state laws do permit the use of Low-Speed Vehicles (LSVs) to be driven on any roadway with a posted speed limit of 30 mph or less. Therefore, the Village will not restrict the use of LSVs as long as they are operated meeting state laws. These vehicles must be registered and licensed with the Illinois Secretary of State.

Golf Cart Ordinance

The State of Illinois laws do not permit the use of golf carts on public roadways unless the local government body creates an ordinance to allow them. The Village of Gifford does not currently have an ordinance allowing golf carts to be driven on public roadways. The Village Board is researching the idea again and will take action in the coming months.  If you are interested in coming to our meetings, check out the Public Meetings page in the Government section for the dates and times of meetings.

Website Updates

As you can see, the Village of Gifford website has been undergoing some significant changes.  As part of the upgraded look of the site, we’ve added a lot more images from around town.  Do you have shots from around town that you’d like to see on the site?  Please use the form on our contact page to get more information.

Along with upgrading the look of the site, we’ve added a lot of new pages.  We’ll be adding more content to these pages as we wrap up the updates.  We’ve also started putting village ordinances online as well.  The ultimate goal is to eventually have all of the ordinances online and searchable.

Finally, you’ll notice we’ve integrated social media into our site.  We’ve established a Facebook page, Twitter account, and we’ll be using RSS feeds to help facilitate the flow of information to our residents.

Please feel free to send us feedback about the site.  We would like to make the site as usable as possible for everyone.


Welcome to the Village of Gifford website. Gifford is a community of just over 800 residents located in Champaign County, Illinois. If you are a resident of Gifford, you can stay up-to-date on all municipal activities with our online resources including board meeting packets, schedules and contact information for your elected officials.Visitors can plan learn more about the businesses in our local community as well as our numerous community events that take place throughout the year.